The Wichita Eagle from Wichita, Kansas (2025)

ip Vif SB )xt WiitMtit JMIxj uqU: laxrrnmg imtmfozt-9f 1888. 1 KEAIj estate. The following are the transfers of rea estate filtd iu the recorder's office yesterday: A Parks to A Smith, lots 2. and 34 ave Fairmount 2d 4000 Parker to A Mmick, lots 2 and 4r WabaaU ave Mosner's sub 300 A Cbarbauean to Eenham lot 22blklD Allerton 4o -A Kihg to Thompson, lots 29, 4.3and42Byer3'av 700 0 Neely to Wm Neely Clearwater city mills buildings Schmidt to O'Bowman, lot 13 blkLSUP add 200 Wilson to Win Httfield, lots, G7 and 09 Cam pbell ave Logan add 500 .7 Burnott to Deeming lot 14 blkS Colwicli 473J Ronton Car Laud Co to Whedbee lots 32 to 3S blk 2 Burton car add. 2400 AI Thonmkins to Mitchell sec 2200 Robrlg to It Vollmnr, lots 29 to 40 blk Victoria Park add 1000 Tf tfwi nartv that nicked up the white fe male bull pup on Lawrence ave does not return samo at once they will get themselves trouble as the parties are known.

V. J. Killeen. dl47 2t 1'rirate school for (Jirls. Oa Monday, November 12th, an experienced teacher will open a priyate school iu Wichita, for girls under teu years of age.

Number of pupils limited to twelve, lor particulars enquire of the Kev. C. J. Adams, 233 North Lawrence avenue. 1473t The Wichita and Suburban railroad will run cars all mht, tonight lor the Car Works and Fairmount, cars will leave First and Main street overy hour.

O. T. Chapman, Superintendent. It A lady who is au expert pianist wishes to makearrancements to play at private parties during the coming season, for particulars address Madam De Mewdan, care of this office. dl47 Of Will the gentleman who mistook a hat with my name in it, at the Young Men's ir.eetingSunday afternoon return samo' to Wi North Lnwrence avenue and cct his own W.

G. Dean. dl47 2t Have Customers for vacant lots in Fairview and Carey park additions. Bring iu your lists at price. Alfco want a list of property from p.llpartf,othecity.

A.M. ASSAM. H(J-Gt Gtto building. Largest assortment of finemjllineiy in Jhe city, atE. A.

Fletcher block, prpesito Occidental botoL l-iS-if Jieffhepanland Mortgaso Company Makes ftvejear farm and city loans. Also Joane money on short time on firt and sec-pnd mortgages and on ood notek Slouoy baid at once. Office 203, second floor, Eedewick building. 123 tf Notice. AlkDrivers haTC positive orders to present passengers from gettiog on nnd off rout platform of cars, or stand on the tame.

Passengers must keep off of the front platform. ichita Stiieet R'r Co. CG-tf The C. K. N.

"Rock Island loure," are now running the most elegant chair cars between Wichita and Kansas City that are used in Kusa3. This is the only line running chair cars on morning trams to Kansas City. This is the only tine running chair cars through to Chicago. Thin is the only line running chair tarn to Topeka and St. Joseph.

This is the great lino between Wichita and all Roints north, east and south. Call at No. C0 E. Douglas avenue. 9-tf Jhroucn Car SrrTtoc, Wichita to Kansas City ia the Santa Te Koutc The Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe have ow in their night train leaving Wichita at 0:30 p.

the latqst and most improved pattern of freo reclining chairs. These cars will be run daily. In addition to thin. Pnllmnn service on morning train from Newton, and through Pullman cars daily on the 9:80 p. m.

train to Kansas City, Atchi3on and St. Joseph. W. 1). AlUP.DOCK, Pass, and Ticket Agent, 123 North Main street, Union Depot and Douglas avenue station.

d37-ti The Eagle pooket real estate book become a favorite among dealers generally in the west. liotf Kcccipt KooIck. Blank receipt books atthisofllce. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ad-flress the Wichita Eaglk, Wichita, Kan.

75-tf Coal Dealers Scale books, coal tickets, otc, for sale at his office. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Address The Wichita Wichita, Kan. 75tf The interstate commerce law forbids railways to charge opnly or by device any one person a greater or less compensation for any rendered in the transportation of pasenjers or property than it charges for a like and contemporaneous service. This is one thing that this law forbids.

It does not, however, prohibit one company from giving to ts patrons better fcervicus than another. Why then pation-ize the railroad that the interior train service vhea for the same amount of money you can obtain superior service ndu a Il-s number of miles and still reach the Mime points. The entering Wirhita and ottering these induce ments should bo well patronized. The Missouri Pacific iy(FortScott Koute)ofiers such inducements as mentioned above and a great many more which spaeo will not permit to enumerate, if you are not aware of this fact that the Missouri Pacific railway lias elegant train service such as tho latest improved roaiiuius chair cars and the modern improved Pullman palace sleep- wen as to ail Colorado, Laliiornia and the Chicago. Kansas Xeuraska rail-M ajdiington Territory points.

Before ay. (Rock Inland Route). For further purchaMng your ticitots call at the city nxrticnlars address Jno. Sebastian. G.

T. ticket olnce, 137 North Main street. E. E. Bleckley, passenger and ticket agent.

Freerecliningcbalrcarsaro now running In all trains on the K. N. railway, ''Rock Island Route," between Wichita, Q'opcka. Kansas City, St. Joseph, Chicago, Et.

Louis. 9 1 Special to Tormsnlp We have a complete Hue of books and blanks a.s required by tho township trustees, township treasurer, justice of the peace, constable and road overseer. Orders promptly tilled. Correspondence solicited. The Wichita Eagle, alC3-ti Wichita.

Kansas. Attorneys pocket dockets for sale at this onice. Orders by mail promptly filled. Address all orders to The Wichita Eaull, Wichita, Ki.n., IL P. Murdock, Man.icer.

dt'3 it Escnrdloa Kxtcstoth OHIoCeatonnUl Esposl tlon. The Centennial Exposition of the Ohio Valley, to 02 lnld at Cincinnati July 4th to Cctobet 27th, with tho exception of the, will be the lanreot Ever held in the United States. Low Excursion Rates will be made by lines entering Cincinnati and their ronntv-kious. From St. Louis and the West the Ohio Mississippi R'y is tho only direct through car route.

By this line. tr.u,e who attend the G. A National Encampment ut Columbus, for which erylw rates will be made, and those going ea-ttotbe different summer resorts can Btop over at Cincinnati nnd visit the Eipo-eition. The O. M.

is the only through line, via Cincinnati, by which thie can be done. For further information address A. J. Lytic General Western Passenger Agent O. 2d.

R'y. St. Louib, Ma 33tf Any party having boughtnn empty dry goods box of Boaton store this week please CulL 13d tf Dr. E. E.

Hamilton has moved bis office to 127 X. Market, in new Israel-Meyers block KG 3 Always In Stylo. As'ihereis so much soap being used by our Eoliticians 1 will continue the good work selling to you: 6 bars Lnox soap for 25c. 7 White Russian for 25c. DOESEY.THE GP.OCEP., dl45 6t 238 X.

Main. The number that drew the organ is between 1545 and 1560- IL L. Shober Co. 144 tf. Public take notice that no green or red tickets are sold from this date on Wichita.

Suburban R. W. Are no good for fare. A lot of said tickets hare been stolen. We oliange our colors.

Call at No. 1551 N. Fourth and exchange tickets. dl45 4t Lee Tayloe, Manager. Canned Goods.

Any one wishing to buy canned goods by the case can save money by calling on me. None but the best Monarch Lusk's. 145 0c D02SEY. Tca3. Gunpowder 25 to GOc, Imperial 50c, Japan 30 to 75c.

We have English breakfasts and the finest Oolongs at the. prices. Call and see them. 145-Ct DOP.SEY. Bring tickets to our store numbered bo tween 1545 and 15G0, which you hold on the organ.

IL L. Shober Co. 144 tf. Can negotiate some gilt edge paper either commercial or first mortgage. AT.

Pollock, 112 North Topeka ave. 143-Gt TF ash "Women Smile And buy your soap of rap. Lenox, bars for 23c; White Russian, 7 bars for 23c. 143-Gt Dohsey. Whlttater A Sons.

To appreciate what a grand institution Wichita will have, call and buy a Whit- talcer ham or some nice breakfast bacon. I keep them. Dor.SEY, 143-Oc. 238 N. Main.

For farm loans rail at Lombard Mortgage Company. Money paid as soon ss papers are executed. dS9-w30-tf Free reclining chair cars are now running on all trains on the C. N. R'y, '-Rock Islund Route," between Wichita, Topeka, Kansas City, St Joeph.

Chicago, St. Louis. 'J tf Free reclining chair cars are now running on all trains on the C. K. N.

railway, "Rock 2land Route," between Wichita, Topeka, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Chicago St Louis. 9tf Papsenp-ers for Wellsford, for Co'dwater and Ashland be sure and take Lake'3 straight line and save twenty-four hours' time; arm at Coldwater at 8:30 p. m. 14-fcJ Take tho new shorJ line, C.

K. Kock Island route, to Kansas City, St, Joseph. Chicago and St. Louii 114-tf Each Tovnsbip Treasurer should have a Treasurer's Rocord, Stray Record, Transcripts, Compiled Laws of 1SS5, and a lull asbonmeiit oi ujuiiks. ror soio ai.

this office. A is'ovcl Idea Is for a stationery house to carry brick iu stock, but this is what Robinbon Champion are doing, and because of tho novelty they are selling faster thn the provoibial "hot cakes." 133tt Special to Attorney. Just completed a large number of the "Attorney's pocket docket." For sale at this oftice. d9J-tf Ct1 art ere. Blank chatters and all kinds of legal blanks for sale by The Wichita Eagle, d71 tf Wichita, Kansas.

"When You Go North, east, south or west, be sure you make no mistake. The oldest line is the best. Giant locomotives: elegant cars, including free Reclining Cbair and Pullman Paljce Sieepinir coaches; steel rails; rock ballast; iron bridges; commodious station house-; the finest railway e.tting houses iu tlie world; gentlemanly employes; train conductors and train cashiers, to iusura both safety of the train and ample attention to passengers; the most perfect system of train dispatching and baggage checking known thee aro some of the features" which warrant those who travel in going via tho Atchison, Topoka Santa Fe railroad. For the fullest possible information as to routes, rates, dates and distances, call on W. D.

MuiiDOCK, Passenger and Ticket Agent, 122 North Main st, Union Depot and Douglas avenue station. dl40 tf S02 North Topeka, Wichita, Kansas. I will giye instructions out of Science and Health and the bible free to all who have not taken the lessons and are seeking for something higher to heal and bless mankind. Every Weduesday evening from 2 to 4 n. m.

Mrs. S. L. Davidson. 134 tf Abstracters.

Blank abstracts for sale at this office Abstracts printed to order. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address the Wichita Eagle, Wichita, Kan. 73-tf Badger Lumber tolphone 119, have GOO tons of Canon City coal and 100 tons of Anthracite coal at lowest prices, dl21 tf leather and Cloth Alphabetical index tabs made to order Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ad the Wicliita Eagle, Wichita, Kan.

73tf Tatei Tho Chicago, Kansas Nebraska rail-rijr (St. Joseph Iowa Railroad lessee), is tho best eotupped line west of, he Missouri river. Our equipment was built expressly for this, line by tho Pullman Palace Car Company, which is a guarantee to tho traveling public that "it is strictly first class. You will find all of our coaches elegantly unholstered and very comfortable in evcrv particular. If you Knnsas or Jsebras- remember you will Topeka.

Kan. CO-tf Latts of Kan.Nis. Dssler's compiled law and session law for 'S7 for sale at this oftico at the standard price, EurV prlnc. rta Frisco Line. The most delightful health and pleasure resort in the west.

Che ip excursion tickets now on sale. Fcr further information and descriptive pamphlet, apply to W. D. Murdock, agent-, Vsi North Main street ud nion depot near Oak street. d'Jl tf Car Docirts.

We can furnish the paper and rule it to order on short notice fr printers who print bar dockets. We can fill orders on sight kind used in this countv. 73tf Loot: Her. Only $23 round trip to Djnver. pueblo and Colorado bpnup: c54jo0 round fcip to Salt Lake And Octleu.

vir the Miaoun Pacific railway, tb ircvr short line. Pullman slenptir0. fun through. 120rf Take the n-w short line. C.

K. Roct Island route, to Kansas City, Sw Joiepa, Chicago and St. Louis. 114-tf 1 the "svr and Popular IJae-The Missouri Pacific Colorado Short Hue, ienviDg here at running th-ourh "Denver, Colorado, via Puebio and colo-ado Springs with ouly one change at Geueeo Leaving on this train ou arm eat, Pueblo next luoruins; it oo. Colorado Sprine? 12:40 Elegant new Pullman palacp sleeping cars through ivithout change.

Romember this is th3 short line ana that yon make direct connections at Reneco. On your arrival at SCP rom one car i31 the other. For further information and I'wtbs call at citv ofike. 137 2ortnLun street. Cheap excursion tickets to Colorado points and Salt Lake City.

E. Bleckley-, Pass, and TkLAgt. 1 dGO-tf 100 Dozen Ladies linen Collars. 4 Cents. 25 Dozen Eiderdown Toboggans, only 48 300 Gross Buttons, good to 25 cents, value 15 cents 5 Cents a Dozen.

Special to Attorneys. pocket dockets for sale at this office. Orders by mail promptly filled. Address all orders to the Wichita" Eagle, Wichita, Kan. d93-tf.

Keraoval. The Missouri Pacific railway city ticket office has removed to 137 Norlh Main street. For tickets to all points on the globe, and information regarding any trip you may contemplate, call at our new quarters and obtain same. E. E.

Bleckley, Passenger and ticket agent, 137 North Main street; 83 tf Eureka Sprinja, Ark, via Frisco lAne. The most delightful health and pleasure resort iu the west. Cheap excursion tickets now on sale. For further information and descriptive pamphlet, apply to W. D.

Murdock, agent, 122 North Alain street and Union depot near Oak street. dOl tf St-touls Francisco Train Serrlce. The 'Frisco line are now running in their morning and night trains free reclining palace chair ours and Pullman palace sleeping cars from Wichita to St. Louis, change. Tne 'Jb nsco is tue only line running two solid trains between these points without change of any class-.

Morning train now leaves Wichita at 10:10 a. m. and evening train at 9:20 p. in. W.

D. Murdock, passenger and ticket agent, 122 North Main street. Union depot and Douglas avenue station. 37-tf FajBt Train to St. Lob! and the East vii.

Missouri Paclllo ITy Composed of day coaches, elegant free reclining chair cars, and Pullman sleepers, leaves Wichita at 11.33 a. m. runs through to St. Louis solid, arriving there at ti-40 a. next day.

This is one and one-half hoursquicker than any other line running both reclining chair cars and Pullman sleepers from here through without change. Cfty ticket office 1U7 Main street. E. E. BLECKLEY, dllOtf Pass, and Ticket Agent.

Manilla Wrappers. This office is prepared to furnish manilla wrappers in sizes and quantities to suit purchasers, just as cheap as any house in the United States. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address The Wichita Eagle, SC tf Wichita, Kan. Contractors anil Uuilders Blaik building agreements, contracts, for use by contractors and builders, for sale at this office.

Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address the Wichita Eagle, Wichita Kan. 75tf Charters, Blank charters and all kinds of legal blanks for sale by The Wichita Eagle, dTl tf Wichita, Kansas. Ulank City Liase. Our form of lease on city property Is the most complete and perfect one yet gotten up.

It was prepared by an attorney who sauthority on such business. S4-tf ISoticeto Work Poll Tax. All persons who have been notified oy the undersigned to work on tho streets as per city ordinance, failing to appear at the time and place specified in said notice, will on and after this date bo promptly dealt with according to law, and warrunts for their arrest be issued against them without further notioe. J. 2s.

Stoxe, Street Commissioner. Wichita, May 14, 1BSS. 154 tf Dr. E. PZmma Cobb's Homo for Ladies during Confinement Strictly private when so desired.

Letters of inquiry confidential and answered immediately on re-' ceipt of same. 711 South Ida ave, Wiehita, Kan. dll3 2m Loans on lowest rates, pany. improved farms made at Lombard Mortgage Com dS9 woO-tf DAEL.AS 1'AIK AND EXPOSITION. Dallas, lexai, October 11th to 31st.

For the above named occasion tho Missouri Pacific railway (Fort Scott Route) will sell round trip tickets to Dallas and return at one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale Oct. 5th, 0th, 12th, 16th. irtth, 23rd and 2Gth. good to return on or before Nov.

loth. For further information call at cit- ticket office, 137 N. Main street. E. BLECKLEr, dl21 tf Pass, and Ticket Agent, A Card to the Public.

Excursion to Dallas. Texas Account Fair and Imposition. For tho Dallas Fair and Evposition the Santa route, also the Frisco line, will sell round trip ticket at one limited fare for the round trip. Dates of sale October 5, 9. 12, 16, 19, 23 aud2o, every Tuesday and Friday Final limit of tickets for return passasre Nov.

10th. Call at city ticket office. l'2 North Main street, and union de-Dot near Oak street for tickets and other inioimation. W. D.

Murpock, r-Otf Pass, and Ticket Agt. Bead. and Order WHat Toa Shoall HTfW VIJI9L OIK I.1VT Each township trustee should have a trustee's record, read record, poor record aud a full set of township records and other blanks, worth at least $5. Also soma stationery. Each township treasurer should have a treasurer's record.

Each township clerk should have a clerk's record and warrant book. Each justice of the peacp should have a civil docket, criminal docket, stray record transcripts, compiled laws of 1S65, and a lull assortment ot iianlts. consuioits scouia utc aa assors- moat of blanks. Each road overseer should have a road account dook. receipt oook ior racipi.

iu. i Thrabovrshouldb; furnished to the officer of each -well regulated township as the expense of the tovmshin. For sale at the Eagle office. Orders promptly filled by mail or express prepaid. 4i-tt vrSS-tf BEADV ND A "eT aud FOK SALK AT THIS OFFIC Important Hook lor Kxcsaj Lawyers.

"Kansas Pleading and Practice in Civi intfc fnnn; hv It-mtiti Tavlor nf the Topeka bar, author of "Brief-Digest," Annotated etc. Octavo, WJ pages, SSnet. Sent postpaid on receipt of price. The Wichita Eagle. Wichita, Kan.

To County Sarermtenaents. We have just completed a large number of seta of scnool records, including the new book (as required by law), register ot warrants presented to and paid oy trexiurex. Orders ailed promptly. Tss Wichita Eaglk. dl07-tf Wichita.

Kns-vi BOSTON -i- STORE SPECIAL SALE Of a Large Lot of Samples of Lodies, Misses and Childrens Ribbed Underwear. Ladies merino Jersey ribbed underwear, long sleeves, at 39 cents. Misses natural wool ribbed vests, long sleeves, at 50 cents. THE CITY OF THE DEAD, They do neither plight nor wd la the city of the dead, In tho city where they sleep away the hours, But tiiej He, ivhlleo'er them range Winter blight and summer chance. And a hundred happy whisperings of Hower.

No, they neither wed nor plight, And tha day is lite tha night. For thair vision is of other kind than ours. They do neither sing nor faigh In tha burgh of by and by, Whero tho streets have grasses growing, cool and long; But they rest within their bed. Leaving all their thoughts unsiid, Deeming silence better far thn sob or song. No, U137 neither sigh nor sing, Though the robin ba a-wing, Though tho leaves of autumn march" rnulior strong.

There Is only rest and peace In the city of Surcease, From the failings and tba waitings neththesua And the wings of tho snrift years Beat buff gently o'er the biers, Making music to tho sleepers, every one. There is only peace and rest; But to them it seemeth best, For they lie at ease, and know that life is done. Richard F. Burton. LITTLE GAB'S JOURNEY.

Tho view from my window extended across the courtyard into tho interior of the apartments occupied by tho family of the littlo Gabriel, who was familiarly called "Little Giib" by all in tho house. The father was a cutter in a tailor's shop; the mother, a sickly woman, and already white haired, though but 45 years old, busied herself with the housekeeping, and used up in that tho remnant of her health. 01 her five children tho throe oldest had swarmed out from ths homo; ther remained only a girl of 18, who was a dressmaker, and Littlo Gab, who was a hunchback. Born of parents who had passed half of their lives in unwholesome workshops, or in dark and badly ventilated stores, Littlo Gab was tho victim of incur-ablo rickets. His twisted spine brought his shoulders nearly up to the level of his ears; bis slender and feeble legs bent under his warped and badly balanced chest; be could walk only when bis form was held up in a peculiar corset.

From this distorted body, which bulged out both front and back, aroso a head, too highly developed in form, but with a face of an exquisite delicacy and of a singularly piquant expression. Although ho was years old, one would have thought him hardly 5, judging from his poor stunted and twisted body; one would have called him 20 at sight ot his thoughtful face, his projecting brow and his great dark brown eyes, co sad and so precociously thoughtful. Father, mother and tho big sister worshiped him, because of his loving manner and his extraordinarily lively intelligence. The doctor had forbidden them to let him do any work, but to distract him and to change his surroundings they took him to a school, whero ho limited himself to listening gravely, yet retained all that he heard. One evening, after school hours, I noticed him under tba porch of the houso, seated against tho waiting room of tho janitor.

His Brother having gone out to make soma purchase, and his sister not having yet returned from her shop, he had found too door of their rooms closed on his return, and, leaning against the wall, his eyes turned eagerly towards the street, he was waiting with a thoughtful and painfully resigned looked. While I questioned him, his black eyes threw over me long, observing and frightened glances. In tho meantime tho big sister arrived, all out of breath. "Ahl my poor Gab," she cried, "I have kept you waitimjl You were growing impatient, humph "No," replied Gab in a calm voice, clearas a silver bell, "I was only sayine to myself that perhaps you did not want day more of me, and that you would not rerun. I am so sick and ao wearisome "Ah, you bad boy," murmured the young girl, as she covered him with kisses; then, turning towards me with her eyes full of tears, "he Is so delicate," she added, "and so intelligent; ho reasons out things just like a grown up person.

What a pity he has bo littlo strength! The doctor says that if be can go thi3 summer to Berck, tbe sea air and tho sand bnths would probably cure him. But Berck is far away, and then there is the ezpense. After all I am going to try to make enough to carry him there." And the trare young girl worked from morning until night to lay us the needed amount She woro herself out working over her sawing machine; she cut, laid together and 6owod with hardly a moment of rest WsS Into tho niht I beard the sharp and hurried movements of tbe machine, resembling the abrupt rustling that grasshoppers make in the beyond the curtains, illuminated by the lamp, I distinguished tho hard working girl in oatiins, ana I thought involuntarily cf Hood's terrible "Sons of the Salrtl" Everybody in tie house knew the story of Littlo Gab, sxid tba wvw of tba tenants willingly mtnistcd work ta the bi sister. They stopped the child tiw balls, oa tiselaadiajj, la ttw courtyard; tbay faadlad bisa, they treated bid lth great fcsackrnef, tfcy ant him always shy, recoiloJ from rniMJT than dlvArfrrl roirtatfT! frw tuna on LSUa ssacan niKatea tor a long tuao on tnese suacea marks cf fnsaifcbip. "Way dot tho lady on tna ttird Coor glr ma piayames," infecd no taougnrrlly of fib te' a moment dehberafcon, he added, with a clcoraea of perception that was heartrending because of tba gkmpeet it gsvo of tho hard thinking to which thia child brain was subjected: "It is beoaosa I am a hunchback, bo doubt." iluchwork cam in and tfao littis pile of aavtn-3 In a remote comer of a bureas drawr grow steadily.

July dote at hand, erd they had already begun preparations tar the departure tbe jmrehace of a hradacmo taather trunk, tb rn.M 0 a suit far tLs child and little Gob, who was in a Ftate of wonderment, talked to his ot notbirgut nts jcaraty to tba sea bates, when, sx ta cvnth bosr, an tra-f crtczurtd accsieat to throw erj thing isto disorucr. The young wife ef tbe government ccrk on the fifth floor had ordered tba dreamafcer to newly trim her wedding gown to maka it ever In tbe latest fashion a gorm that had cost a great deal of money, and thzt she wahed to mcke serve icrihs litils dinj-niiartla oi th atmia Ladies Jersey-ribbed all wool vests, fine value for 175 cents, at 100 cents. winter. One evening Gob, playing wira tho inkstand, let it slip from his poor, thin fingers, and the ink unhappily trickled down over the satin of the skirt. Tfaey did not scold him alas I no; tbe sight of his face, overwhelmed with dismay, gave too much pain.

Tbe big sister uttered a cry of terror; silently, nervously, she sponged the stuff and measured the extent of the disaster. The ink had outrageously stained over eight yards of the satin. To tfcU tbe accident to the customer on the fifth floor and to excite her pity in favor of Little Gab was not to be thought of for a moment; in the first place, the government clerk's wife was not rich, and her wedding dress constituted her only supply for her daya of frivolity and of ceremony; then tbe dressmaker was proud and did not care to acquaint the house with tho calamities of her family. The most advisable and dignified way was to run to the Bon March and try to match the stuff. Eight yards at fifteen francs came to 120 francs a formidable breach in the money box and tbe savings for tho journey! Well, it was done now, and the sea baths must be given up for this year.

The dressmaker kissed Little Gab and again set herself to work. In the winter that followed they straggled hard in Little Gab's household. The autumn had been rainy and Gab's health had felt tbe effect of it. His bones ached, ho had feverish disturbances and headaches. The doctor, sounding the boy's lungs, shook his head and insisted again on their sending the child to Berck immediately on the return of the pleasant weather.

This time it was settled that he should go; cost what it might, they would set out for the sea baths about the last of May; and the sewing machine began again in still greater hurry Its grasshopper rattle, and the evenings of work were extended still farther into the night. They bought for Little Gab a book in which there were pictures only of7 the sea views of harbors with their forests of masts set along the piers, steep crags washed by foamy waves, fishing boats, scattered apart, in the offing, like a flock of white winged birds. Tho child talked of nothing but the sea; be saw it in his dreams, and sometimes even in full daylight, through tho gray fog which filled the inside yard, he had unhealthy delusions of shores beaten by the waves, and great watery spaces, crossed by ships with distended sails. Sometimes he took from the mantelpiece a large shell; he placed it against his ear, and with his neck sunk into his shoulders, and with thonfrhff.ii MrtoTiBi tnr hnnrc to this roar of tbe sea. which seemed to come from far, far away through, the shell.

The winter wos exceptionally damp and cold, and I did not again encounter Little Gab under tho porch. The doctor bad expressly forbidden thorn to let him go out From time to time I saw him at tho window, one of tko curtains of which was raised. His oyes, sod and downcast, 6tared into vacancy, and on the clear window glass his thin fingers traced vogue form of ships. Then suddenly his glance would be fixed on tho casement where I was making my observations, and, feeling that he was watched, with a timid gesture he would draw down tho muslin curtain. Towards tho middle of March I no logger saw him near the window pane.

His bones mode him suffer more and more, his too eoblo lags could no longer carry him, and his headaches were redoubled. He now passed whole days lying on his little bed, turning over for the hundredth time the leaves of tbe piotare book where were seen the sea and the big ships with their white sails. He had not siren op the idea ot his journey. "When will we gor he asked of his sister; and when the latter had explained to him that thoy must wait for fine weather, ho replied in his sharp, thin Tmce, "It is because I am in a hurryI was to get well quickly, very quickly, so as not to see you cry any more." And he began to repeat to himself the cansejB of the towns tnroagh Which they woold paag. He alMafy knew tbeco by heart Chantiily, than Qavmont, Amiens, Abbeville and Kt' last the sea.

"Onco that we are yonder, said he, "I am sure that my bones will not pain me any more." WblLs waitlag he wfefeed to have ths big pink feett from the mantotpsoco by him, and, his oar placed against its pearly valves, be listened attentively to the distant noise of this sea that saould deMvw aim sretn all bis sufferings. Towards Castor I heard no longer the dull rumbling of the sewing machine. Thar was no more workhjg in Ike little home, and yet a light from a lamp gilding one of the windows well into the nijit, aYrwed that tfcey were always watching Dearth bed of tho sick child. "He is much worse," mm mured tbe garter's wife, creasing in stinctively skirts a chubby Bttio boy; "be has not long to live. The poer soul -it will bo a release!" One morninz I passed under tbe porca a littlo coOn carried by two undertaker's oaeo and followed tyr the family.

It was Little Gab, who was at last setting out on hie jemr-asy towarCs the unfatbomaale sea of to an-known. Tracateted from the Freaca tar Tba Boston Transcript. now tn4 World to Fed. A-n -ri ww Vn.1- lcmln in tb. grocery busing "owoot i -l l5 ttUi JWJ aajMU- Afr.

of tka faEa in food, i i rirures dent serta to exoraas the thing ao that anybody can realise bow enormous tbe bnaines Hew erery-botfy knows thai com makes csJy a snail t-a- in in ISv 4Kaf fiobedy eaU corn atwegJa to naka a ana, pal articleof diet. Yet ara am esab Ldnneat in Maryland a corn factory, taey call it-waere share are case ef com a week pus up aad seML neniMsr that tab to only one iMaHfrirrt oat ef hundrods in this coexAry, aad taoaasrde ia tba world, waara food to poi ia cans. Thau, taiak that oozn I oea asnaft iaaca of food even acooag tba eaaaved gooda. Aad shea TCtsamaar ttat caasMeigooaa a xaerely a fractiao of tbe ood sanply, aad roa will be ready ta acknowledge meat taafaed ksdaa-triesarstoo graas to be rasrffry grasped by the tmagrnatian. Kara taaa taree-Oftaaaf all tbe workers of the world are engaged waoUriaraaaaaraaadliszfood.6 Earaia of Eeal.

TbeetOaarcf Die Brroalkgmag (C i mil mstifxmust the popolasasa of ame world so be M. Lerasascr (Fracct) pat it ar L4jS.CQ0.CQa. a flf mflOnOfK Ladies natural wool, Jersey ribbed vests, long sleeves, at 79 cents. Chenille Portiers Ten feet at $1.98. Good Beaver cents.

Shawls for 269 Good Skirts at 39 cents. Ladies Brazilian kid Slides, 175 cents. 54-inch Ladies Cloth, in late shades, 55 Cents. STORE. CHEESE! CHEESE! Foreign and Domestic 16 Varieties.


214 N. MAIN WICHITA, KAX. ISO-lino THE SHEATH OF CUSTOM. HAVE WE REACHED THE VERY BEST METHODS OF LIVING Oar ProneneM to Honor Customs and Practifces Simply Because Everybody Else Docs Bow much Is Reasonable and TIow Much la Merely Arbitrary? Every human being grows up insido a sheath of custom, whjen enfolds it as tho swathing clothes enfold tho infant. The sacred customs of one's own early homo, how fixed aud immutable they appear to tho child I It surely thinks that all tho world iu all times has proceeded on tho eame lines which bound its tiny lifo.

It regards a breach of these rules (somo of them, at least) as a wild step in tho dark, leading to unknown dangers. Tho elders have always said (and, indeed, it seems only reasonable) that by this tlmo of day everything has boon so thoroughly worked over that the best methods of ordering our life food, dress, domestic practices, Bocial habits have long ago been deter- I mined. If so, why theso divergences in the simplest and most obvious matterb? And then ono thing after another gives way. Tho sacrod, world wide customs in which wo are bred turn out to be only tho practices of a small or narrow casto or class; or they prove to bo confined to a very limited locality, and must bo left behind when wo sot out on our travels; or they belong to tho tenets of a feeble sect; or they axe just the products of one age ba history and no other. Aro there really no natural boundaries? Has not our lifo anywhere been founded on reason and necessity, but only on arbitrary customs! What is more important than food, yet in what human matter are there moro arbitrary divergences of prao-tico? The Scotch Highlander flourishes an oatmeal, which the English Sheffield Iron worker would rather starve than eat; the fat snail which the Soman country fi-entleman once so prized now crawls un molested in English or American gardens; rabbits are tabooed in Germany; frogs are unspeakable in England; sauerkraut is dotestcd in France; many races and gang of peoplo are quite certain they would die If 4cpriTod of meat; others think spirits of some kind a necessity, while to others again both these things are an abomination.

ABTD Vir, wirr wort Every district has its local practices In food, and tbe peasants look with the greatest suspicion on any new dish, and can rarely bo Induced to adopt It. Though it baa been abundantly proved that many of the fungi aro oxcsUent eating, such Is the force of custom that tbe zansbroora alone is ever publicly recognized, wbilo curiously enoagh it Is said that in some other countries where the claims of other agarics are allowed the mushroom itself is net need. Finally, I feel mywlf (and the gentle reader probably feels the eame) that would rather die than snbeist on Insects, such is the deep aeated disgust we experience toward this class of food. Yet it is aotorious that many raoes of respectable people adopt a diet of this sort, and only lately a book been published giving a detail of excellent pre-ren-der of the kind we habitually overlook nasty morsols of caterpillars and beetles, and so forth. And, indeed, wba one corses to thhik of it, what can It be but prejudice which causes one to eat tho periwinkle and re jcot tho land snail, or to pesce tbe livery crawn and proscribe tbe cheerful grass-ooppert Why do we on chairs Instead of on tne oor, as the Japanese do.

or on cushions Hko tbe Turks? it la ustota, and perhaps It suits wilh crcr other customs. Toe arm we lock Into oar life ami consider the variety of habit Is rrerr ivsxrMvsit of It rea endear Iom to .21 pracee. alj tlaflr the EiOTB aro we brtMaO ot aar rerioM necessity la laa "cl t.j terms oursclrea ar accustoaaW t. Each raoa, each olaaa, each sectka af tkm popuUtioo, each aaft em. aw Re own habits of lio superior to tfc rest.

ae the eoly true and jegl timet ankt mmmmM (r with eacB other as taelr aaserMa af their awa special belief aod praemteas, the aawsaion that ratbsr juia aaaat te is-gecnoas tad lnquirinr asaad la srkether any af us htre got hold af smaca In life at alL Eosae Jocrsal. First LUtk Bey rfiaaara jm ao awraJ apod for toaaff Second LOs Bey If Tm aaa today Tm to be aUemwd to go as saa fesmrtafl to-taorrow aed bars say Uir cm, last Tm bad ary asotaar jsia' to ras to The aew Jresca mama are asomg waisamt fleece wovasi ajsarfrgs that orcae for chiidrea's wear. Taaw are rary thick. aat ligbs as a fnasar JLD shades ef graaa ara iamcaeaamly faekkav able, aad eaasaasaammaa af grata wfiij btea, browss aad Veaaavaa, raiara seac laParu maiUttcrTaad NO MORE TALKING Bequlred to sell our cloaks. They are going rapidly.

Wicliita people know a bargain when they sea it. My cost sale on cloaks continues this week yet. Come and get fitted in a nice cloak before they are all gone. You can have them at a mere song at THE ENTERPRISE, 1st door west or Eagle office, This Week's Unierwear Ssk 65a Ladies Merino vests for 45c 45a S0a $1.50. All-wool scarlet vests for $1.15.

25a All-wool hose for ISc. FOR GENTLEMEN. 75a All-wool scarlet shirts and drawers, 50a 65a Canada grey shirts and drawers, 50a 60a Merino shirts and drawers, 40a 25a All-wool socks, 17a THE ENTERPRISE, 1st coor west of Eagle office. Visit Our Notion Department, The same has lots of new things Visit Our Toy Department The latest novelties in toys. Visit Our Art Embroidery Department New designs in applique work.

Plush balls, ornaments, eta Stamping Done Free To all who buy material of us. VisitOurBookDepartment- See our new bri a-braa 1st door west of Eagle orflca, 100 East Douglas. KELLEBS PRICES FOK Groceries. 12 poumU Granulated ll 11 pound? Cmikio- lor 1111 1 pound ArbueVles or LIcm'a coffco 'B 3 pound can new tmdk to mutoe 10 I pound can ne puck corn 19 pound can nnw rullfornli prtiohtv. 3 jound can cn Cnltfurulu aprlcou 19 8 pound cna nir California rl'inw 3 pound can new California pernr vu 3 pound can new CftllfnniU kmi" 3 pound can n-vr HulUmoro poachr-i 1A Gitnd 7bnn 2f Xpw rrnnWriM, per quart ilomlnjr.

3 pound for 19 Uood rlc. per pound it while tnollumlicsn. pr pound 4 Dried bwf, A Vo 1, per pound IU Pure cldor vin'-Kar, prr tHon t' PotuUx. por tuoliel 71 Good fumllr flour jir2ojpound 121 Japan tea. 31, SO.

if), 00 aud SO pr pound. TKHMH CASH KELLER KELLER 215 South Main Stroot. dlLVlmo FAMOUS Always leads and never follows- Children! raita, 4 to IS Tr. Cue all wot wonted, black or rown. wQrtb only 13, At tho- Famous One Price Clothing Co Speeial Bargain WEEK.

40-lnch all -wool BUltings worth 55 cents, at 80 cents. 32-lcch plaid anfi plain fall dress goods at 12 1-2 cents Ladles S-wlsa rib vests worth 60 cents, at 0 cents. Gents wlate and grey merino underwear at 00 cents a snin. Gents all wool fancy undsnnear worth $L26. at 80 cents each.

School bojzg, bargain weefc, 7 cts. Shoe polisn. bargain week, Qcut, Box good blaclclrig, bargain week 3 cente. Comxorts worth 73cents, bargain week 4d cents. CLOAXS AT COST.

ladles NewrrjarJrett at Cost. Childrens Cloaka at Cost-Come and see; onr prices will fairly set you wild at tne Cheapest Drv Goods House In "Wichita- GLOBE, 413 E. DOUGLAS AYR THE ENTERPRISE, wHL GLOBE'S s-ck ul. 1.

The Wichita Eagle from Wichita, Kansas (2025)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.